cliveb;302139 Wrote: 
>  ...I'd be looking at a different brand.
That occurred to me too.

> By the way, I have nothing against M-Audio: I use a 2496 myself (driven
> from a Linn LP12/Ittok/Karma/Naim 42.5, as it happens), and it has
> never given me any trouble. Aha! a fellow old-time Brit audiophile :-)
Judging by the price of s/h Naim amps, there are still a few of us
about.  I could sell my 42/140 for about £350.  That is £100 more than
I bought it for s/h in 1992!

My old 42 has been brought back into service as the pre-amp for my 140
which  is now amplifying the squeezebox in my main living room system
after the Linn and 72/hi-cap were relocated to the lof... er audio
editing suite ;-)

To be honest (apart from a few crackles from the volume control) it
sounds almost as good as the 72/hi-cap, particularly if it has been
left on for a day or so.

> Edit: One last thing. Whatever soundcard you end up with, assuming it's
> a semi-pro or pro device then you'll almost certainly find that the tape
> feed from the NAC72 isn't hot enough, so you may need to use the main
> outputs instead (and use the 72's volume control to set the recording
> level).

Ah right, I was struggling to find a way to adjust levels in the 2496
when it locked up the first time.  You are right, the levels did seem a
little low and there didn't seem to be any way to adjust them.

I would need to use the output from the hi-cap then. Ordinary
DIN->Phono i/o cables wouldn't work, so I would need a modified 4 pin
"Snaic" cable with the main outputs terminated in a pair of phonos
rather than another DIN.  I might get my local Naim dealer to knock one
up. They might even be standard issue as there must be plenty of others
out there using Naim pre-amps with other brand power amps. Thanks for
the tips!


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