atrocity;306583 Wrote: 
> I moved everything over to a less powerful box running the latest
> Ubuntu.  Big difference!

I've managed to setup SqueezeCenter inside a CoLinux install, running
There are actually two instances running on my machine, the native
Windows version and the one inside CoLinux.

Typically the Windows native version will need around ~150M of resident
The ENTIRE CoLinux installation, while running SqueezeCenter, takes
less than 25M of memory.  (it would be less than 20 if I only wanted to
have one virtual network adapter) And it's accessing the same music
library via the virtual file system and seems to be much more
responsive.  Rescanning the entire library takes a little more than
half the time under Windows.

I think the main issue here is that perl under Windows is just not the
superhero it is in Linux.

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