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Question: Does a dedicated PC/music server sound better than a PC used
for other duties?
- Yes it does.
- No it doesn't make any difference.

tyler_durden;309548 Wrote: 
> There is nothing to add.  This thread is stoopid.  There are no facts. 
> No information.  It's a bunch of people speculating over possible
> causes of some effect that the OP may or may not have heard. 
> Meanwhile, throughout all this, the OP neglects to mention that he
> listening to a modified device- far more likely to result in changes in
> sound than changing server hardware.  It reminds me of a bunch of 10
> year olds speculating over whether the red or blue light saber is more
> deadly.  What could anyone add to such an discussion that would make
> any difference in the outcome?
> Checking out...
> TD

OK, I know technical discussions can confound some people and I
sympathise with your predicament. Basically what that story was telling
you is that if the thread annoys you, you DON'T have to come here.
Simple isn't it?

Now, as regards the SB3 being modified. It doesn't make the slightest
difference in the context of the subject of this thread. Unless you are
suggesting that the SB3 is intelligent enough to know when it is
connected to different PC's, and (wilfully) changes its sound quality
accordingly. In other words, my original question was about the server
end, not the SB3 which was the constant (not variable) factor in the

The question of modding was brought up and I had the respect to answer
it. Again, nobody is compelling you to read it. On the other hand, if
you can show good reason (better still evidence) why the mods discussed
don't work, then please enlighten us with your knowledge rather than
hurling childish insults around.

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