jonheal wrote:
> By definition, I would think the "average" audiophile would be looking
> for equipment that reproduces music as accurately as possible.

I don't agree with this. On several levels.

I don't agree that there is much of an "average audiophile" as
audiophiles seem to divide into at least two groups:
1) music lovers
2) gear lovers

Second, I don't agree that 'accuracy' is the goal. I believe that the
goal is, at least for acoustic instruments, the sound of real
instruments in real rooms. Which for me is more musical than accurate.

> Again, by definition, it would seem that good "studio monitors" fulfill
> that requirement, in that they are supposed to color the music as little
> as possible.

Studio monitors are designed to be revealing. That is not exactly the
same as accurate. And its not at all the same as musical.

I have decent studio monitors in my studio, Mackie 824, they cost a bit
over a grand for a pair. They are wonderfully accurate.

My main listening room has Sonus Faber Concertos, with a Rel sub. They
are much more musical than the Mackies. And they are a lot better
looking, higher WAF.

Pat Farrell

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