I want to offer a contrarian opinion on using cat5 or 6 cable.
Although some audiophile swear by it's sonic virtues IMO Cat cable is
full of problems.

1st is the manufacturing of cat cable, tying the tail of one cat to the
neck of another is a laborious process and hence the talk of the expense
of professsional install. 

Remember that as well as the intraveinous nutrients the cat cable
requires there is also the anti growth hormone necessary to keep the
cat cable growing and exploding the walls or floors.

The bad odor of the cat cable waste matter has been known to render
some homes unlivable.

There are also a growing number of audiophiles complaining that cat
cable introduces a high frequency hash into the system that sounds
curiously like meowing.

I have enormous respect for Pat's opinions but, this one time, I
disagree with his recommendation of the finnicky Cat cable.

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