Rockyjocky;330583 Wrote: 
> If I explain my setup, can people tell me where I might do things
> better, or give some tips please.
> The sound is very good (to me) but I am trying to learn more.
> I can tell a subtle difference when I use the dac vs bypassing it, but
> how do I know that the dac in the SB3 is not being used at all?
> Is there any configuration in SC which I need to do?

Judging by what you've written I take it that you're using one of the
Squeezebox's digital outputs and if so, then no, you do not need to do
any additional configuration. Also if you are using one of the digital
outputs then you are NOT using the SqueezeBox's own internal DAC.

> I have a SB3 which is fed flac files via an old laptop running SC7.1
> which works well.
> The SB3 goes into a beresford TC-7510 dac via coax.  The volume on the
> SB3 is set at 100%.
> The dac goes into a NAD 162 preamp via a pair of QED silver spiral
> interconnects.  I use fixed out from the dac into the CD inputs on the
> 162.  I use tone defeat always.

Everything looks good so far.

> The 162 goes into a NAD 272 poweramp via a pair of QED silver spiral
> interconnects.  I used fixed out on the 162 to fixed in on the 272.

You kind of threw me here. Exactly what do you mean by "fixed out" and
"fixed in"? Normally a "fixed" output means that the level is set to
one point, or "fixed" and this level is unaffected by any of the
various preamp controls such as volume or tone. An example of a "fixed
output" would be a tape or record output. Usually a preamp is connected
to a power amp via a variable output, meaning an output where the level
changes with respect to the preamp's controls, such as volume and tone.
So in your setup does changing the volume on the preamp change the
volume of the speakers and if this is the case then you have the preamp
and power amp connected via a variable output and that's exactly how
things should be connected.

All in all, I'd say that you're doing everything correctly, provided
that you are actually using the variable output of the preamp. The next
area which you may want to focus on would be speaker placement but
that's a whole other can of worms. For speaker placement I find that
the best thing to do is start by following the manufacturers and
dealers suggestions and then make adjustments according to your own


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