On 2008-09-15T08:28:18, Lars Ellenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > > The restart of the secondary is not just "spurious" though. It might
> > > > actually help "fix" (or at least "reset") things. Restarts are amazingly
> > > > simple and effective.
> > > hmm.
> > You've got to admit that it's a valid point ;-)
> that was more a disagreeing grumble.
> it may also break things.

How so?

> if we set aside confused admins for the moment,
> and assume CRM is the only entity promoting/demoting drbd.
> would it not be enough for a Primary on connection loss to
> set some constraint pinning the master role on that node/node group?
> the DRBD after-resync handler can then remove that contraint again.

The idea is interesting. A RA modifying its own constraints ...

However, it wouldn't work for a true split-brain. If the primary does
that before being fenced by the secondary (which, given awkward
circumstances for the split-brain, is possible), and the partition
heals, the master would be pinned to the "wrong" node briefly.

Also, given that it is a split-brain and the constraint is only on one
side, the secondary would allow itself to be promoted - okay, so the
cluster never would before the primary has been fenced, but neither
must the master continue before the secondary has been fenced ...

Does that make sense?


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
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