DeVerm;348802 Wrote: 
> I can't find the "Ending after 1 clean passes" settings in my copy... I
> have the latest release v13. When you rip, do you see it making 1 or 2
> passes? I believe every pass is shown, so it only reads each sector
> once in a pass.
> on C2: did you see Spoon's test results for the different drives? If
> you want to rely on C2 you better get that TEAC he selected for this
> RipNAS thingy! But why don't you use the accurate rip feature?
> cheers,
> Nick.Oh, but I do use Accurate Rip. "Ultra secure" ripping happens only for
tracks which are not in the Accuraterip database.
It's true that dbP's options are quite a daedalus... The number of
passes is at Options>Secure Settings>Ultra secure. I have:
Ultra secure passes : 1
Maximum ultra passes : 6 (quite unnecessary, in practice: when a record
is very scratched it never finds 2 identical passes anyway)
End after clean passes : 1

Click on the question mark (help) on this window for displaying the
details on the secure algorithm. 

Spoon's results on drives are quite interesting, moreover RipNas is
perfect for me (as I have a WHS), but... it's too expensive right now :
I have already ripped the majority of my CDs, I only rip 2-3 CDs per
week now... Perhaps later on, who knows ? ;)


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