I have played back 5.1 DTS files successfully from an SB2 into a Sony
surround sound receiver.  The hard part is the ripping/transcoding, not
the playback.

If you want to skip the ripping/transcoding steps, try downloading some
5.1 DTS files from this Swedish Radio site:

http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/mall/index.asp?ProgramID=2446   or

These are zipped .wav files.  Just unzip them and put them in your SC
music directory. (And make sure that you have .wav file format

You need to make sure that you are not modifying the signal in any way.
This means full volume (or even better digital output fixed), no
crossfade and no gain control.

It's been a few years since I tried, but it used to be the case that
Softsqueeze could not playback DTS files (you would just get noise). 
Somehow the Java sound libraries that this app uses were modifying the
digital signal -- meaning that you were not getting bit-perfect
playback.  Don't know if it has been fixed in recent versions.



Transporter via XLR->Bryston BP26DA->Bryston 4B SST->Wilson Watt Puppy
Transporter via XLR->Headroom Max Balanced Headphone Amp->Balanced
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