Symbiotic;362951 Wrote: 
> Greetings!
> I'm relatively new to the audiophile world, though not new to the world
> of audio. I'm a musician, composer, sound designer by trade, though I've
> never spent a great deal of time learning about the audiophile aspects
> of recording and listening.
> Long story short, I've got two friends who have Naim systems (one with
> Devore Gibbon 8 speakers), and my interest in quality audio components
> has gone WAY up...
> My questions are these:
> 1) Where can I begin to learn more about the finer points of audio
> fidelity as it relates to listening and recording? 
> 2) What would be my best route of upgrades for my home components?
> 3) Should I be running analog or digital signal to my receiver? (i.e.
> is my SB3 a better DAC than my Denon receiver.)
> Now please don't laugh - remember I'm just now getting into this scene,
> so forgive my n00bness.
> I have all my music encoded as Apple Lossless, transcoded as FLAC to my
> SB3. The SB3 is connected via optical to a Denon AV receiver. The Denon
> is connected to JM Labs Focal 806 Cobalt bookshelf speakers which were
> given to me by a friend.
> I think the Denon is probably my weakest link at this point, though a
> serious cable/connector upgrade is probably worthwhile, too. Also, I
> need to keep the flexibility of the Denon (I use this system for music,
> video, and gaming) I don't know if that means I need an
> audiophile-grade AV receiver, or just a great audio setup and keeping
> the Denon for video and gaming stuff...
> I think the speakers are actually pretty good. Though at some point I'd
> like to upgrade them to something a bit more significant, for now
> they're probably the best component in my setup.
> I will eventually upgrade to a Transporter, though for the time being,
> the SB3 is an excellent playback device. I haven't done any
> modifications to it, though. Still using the factory power supply, as I
> was told a replacement wouldn't affect the digital output.
> I think that covers all my questions for now. Any guidance or advice is
> appreciated.

Here is my take.  Do you like the sound you have?  If so forget about
it.  If not then what do you want to improve.  Usually speakers will
make the most difference.  Your receiver may be better may not be
better than the sb, it depends on the model and if you have both
digital and analog inputs you can test it for yourself.  The audiophile
world is a crazy one in that there is always something better and I'm
not sure you ever get there. A lot also depends on how good your ears
are and not some reviewer.  Things others can hear may not mean a thing
to you.  Like I said, if you are happy with the sound now, don't worry
about it.



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