Rather than mess up the jitter thread, I thought that I would bring to
light this post on some other forum that one of my "spies" told me


Now, I do not know this individual. In fact, looking at his public
profile, I can tell that he works for a high-end outfit that would
never be one of my consulting gigs. Having said that, here is the crux
of his post:

> The audio conspiracy theorists raise my hackles only slightly less. They
> claim, because they cannot hear something, and that no one has found a
> way to QUANTIFY the unquantifiable, that it must not be.

Some things that we can tell sound different, but we can not measure.
Other things we can measure, but can not correlate how they are


Do wires sound different? Sadly, yes.

Why? No idea. Does not mean that differences do not exist. Or that they
are not extremely minor or subtle.

Or, is jitter audible?

Not really, but its absence is.

How much? We think that we know, but not every system, or every
listener, is capable of discerning it. Yes, could be a very subtle
effect. But, it does not mean that it is non-existent if it is not
detectable 100% of the time with 100% of all listeners in 100% of all

Some folks, for whatever reason, do have a knack for discerning these
subtle differences. Has nothing to do with intelligence, education, or
experience. Sometimes, those are a hindrance.

The designers that I associate with also seem to be able to discern
these differences. Many of them have gone on to make some of the most
successful gear on the market.

But, there are guys who probably can't tell the difference who have
also made successful gear, but do so based solely on business acumen
and the ability to mass-manufacture.

So, who do believe? (Or, who do you ignore?) Damn good question! The
lone prophet in the wilderness, penniless yet adamant. Or the mogul
with tons of money to burn and the ability to burn their message into
your head?

Well, I would say "the lone prophet". Except that the 'Net is full of
them, and most are wrong most of the time.

Having said all of that, if you don't believe that it is audible (and
it might not be!), then try to find out for yourself. Debating "lone
prophets" like me won't change your mind. And I do not intend to change
your mind. Only to make it open to the possibility that it is audible.
If you chose to not seek out the answer, either because it is more
convenient to debate its absence, or too complacent to really care,
then please feel free to remain satisfied. 

But, please, don't tell me what I can or can not hear. I can neither
draw, play an instrument or take a decent picture. I doubt that I could
tell a Bordeaux from a claret.

"A Bordeaux -is- a claret."

I rest my case.

A corollary to all of this:

I have been telling folks for over 15 years that the length of a
digital cable does make a difference. Wanna guess how many told me that
I am a nutter?

Today, for probably the only time, on this very forum(!) in fact,
someone has confirmed this by actually trying it. The fact that they
don't remember where they heard it is moot. They heard about, and had
the gumption to try it. 

Rather than tell me I am wrong and/or nuts. Chalk one up for the Lone



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