bludragon;383985 Wrote: 
> I'm curious to know if anyone has been able to directly compare some
> studio monitors against similarly priced consumer gear in the same
> room.
> I already have a good DAC and am currently trying to decide between
> something like the Dynaudio BM6A MkII or a power (or integrated) amp
> and speakers.  Best candidate there so far are some B&W 683 or 684
> floorstanding speakers plus a rotel power amp (RB-1050 or RB-1070).

In my experience, it came down to hifi speakers sounding "great" versus
monitors sounding "accurate". That is what each is designed to do, so no
surprises there.

I found studio monitors to be too directional for living room use as
well, even the "midfield" ones.  Some monitors had unacceptable tweeter
hiss as well, including the dynaudios.

My favorite monitors however, for what it's worth, were the dynaudios
you mentioned - but still no match for a good set of consumer separates
(not even close).

Good luck with your ideas - I predict it will probably just come down
to your personal listening preference, and whether you are willing to
trade the audible (and visual) benefits of separates against the
convenience of monitors.  But we shall see (assuming you post back
please with your own findings)!  :)

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