Phil Leigh;421481 Wrote: 
> Well, they would if anyone gave a flying stuff about 24/192! -
> completely pointless. Even 24/96 is pointless for domestic replay. I've
> yet to meet anyone who can tell the difference between 24/96 and 24/48
> downsampled properly...

I agree that 24/192 might be overkill, but there -are- countless DAC's
which support it, plus an increasing number of tracks available at that
resolution.  I'd certainly like to have the -chance- to hear some in my
setup, and decide if they're worth it.  I've read comments in various
other forums that 24/96 is clearly a step up from Redbook, but again,
haven't been able to compare them to 24/48 in my setup.


main system:  sb2 (with elpac linear psu) > benchmark dac-1 > modwright
swl 9.0se > belles 350a reference > ml summits. audience au24e and blue
jeans cables.  
secondary systems:  sb3 in master br (russound r235ls amp driving
in-ceiling speaker) and game room (powered swan s200a speakers), with
boom in home office.
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