There was a long thread a couple of years ago which concluded - I  
believe Sean confirmed it though I couldn't now swear to that - that  
reducing the volume of the SB's digital outputs below about 90 per  
cent also significantly degraded audio quality. It starts throwing  
other bits away, I seem to recall. See also the current "Transporter  
into amp or pre-amp" thread (TAS says that's what happens with the  


On 13 May 2009, at 02:18, audio53 wrote:

> gng;422612 Wrote:
>> I have a pre and power amplifier combo and the SB is the only source.
>> With a DAC with volume controll I can sell my pre amplifier and can
>> connect the DAC directly to the power amp.
>> But it's only an idea at the moment. I am not sure.
> OK, I see where you are going with that. I recall reading about some
> people having problems with a Squeezebox connected directly to a power
> amp. Maybe that was without a volume control. Can't recall any details
> since I didn't pay much attention. Might be worth doing a forum search
> though just to see if there are any issues to be aware of. Have fun.
> -- 
> audio53
> Regards,
> Bob
> FLAC->SB3 w/SqueezeCenter->PS Audio DLIII DAC->Yamaha RX-595- 
> >Cambridge
> Soundworks Ensemble
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --
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