Phil Leigh;437215 Wrote: 
> Just to be clear, I consider "burn-in" of anything but speakers to be a
> complete and utter myth. Just as well IMHO otw we would never have got
> to the moon...all those capacitors settling down etc - that would have
> thrown the instruments right off :-)
> As for those rather expensive astro telescopes...
> As far as I am concerned, it's pure human psychology: we need things to
> sound better so eventually our brain adjusts to the new experience and
> then for a while it does sound better... and then later it sounds worse
> if we are mildly insecure or continues to sound OK if we aren't.

Phil, you believe it's a myth. As you may see, based on my personal
experience with this DAC, NOS tubes in my PrimaLuna, with freshly
soldered circuits during my days of DIY hobby, and even -lately - with
newly purchased Chord speaker cable (replacing Van den Hul cable), I
believe there are gradual changes in sound quality after such components
are installed. And these changes can be far from subtle. In fact, I was
so struck by the drastic changes in the sound of my system after I
replaced the speaker cable happening over the course of a MONTH, I tried
to find and read every piece of information on cable "break-in"
available on the Internet. What I found is that manufacturers as
respected and diverse as Cardas, Van den Hul, Audioquest, Nordost,
Chord, Atlas and many others I would not remember now, all have observed
the effects of cable "break-in", but none of them so far is able to
provide a comprehensive explanation as to the causes. This might be one
big conspiracy, and then I may be a part of it ;-)

On the other hand, I agree with you that it is about human psychology -
the way we perceive. However, having once spent nine years trying to
comprehend this discipline in academic setting, I tend to believe it
might be more complicated and subtle than what you describe. Anyway,
this could make a good subject for discussion over a glass of vintage
Bordeaux or Burgundy, opened and decanted some time prior to consumption

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