For Squeezebox Server there's no good reason to use anything but FLAC
for the file format.  Your choices for streaming the FLAC files are

1) as FLAC (natively decoded in the Transporter)

2) as uncompressed PCM, whereby Squeezebox Server decodes the file at
the server computer

The first is the default setting.  The second can be had by going to
Settings > Advanced > File Types and changing

  File Format      Stream Format       Decoder
  FLAC             FLAC                Native
  PCM                 flac


  File Format      Stream Format       Decoder
  FLAC             FLAC                Disabled
  PCM                 flac

The disadvantage of the second is that it requires more bandwidth
(generally, about twice as much) to stream the music to your player.  If
you're using a wireless connection, this may result in dropouts.  The
probability will increase if you stream hi-res formats like this.  If
you have a wired connection, you'll have plenty of bandwidth.

FWIW, I hear no difference on my system streaming either way.  Try
using PCM and if you think it's better and you don't experience
dropouts, use it.  Otherwise, keep the default settings and enjoy.


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