Regarding regularly testing your FLAC library for errors:

I found a while ago that FLAC Tester that comes with the official FLAC
distribution had an issue with falsely reporting errors on some 24-bit
files (you can Google it; this was a known bug). The problem was that
the FLAC Tester was built around an older version of FLAC than the
version that I used to encode my files. I don't know, maybe they've
fixed this at some point...

But because of this, and for a couple of other reasons I'll mention
below, I wrote a Windows batch file to verify FLACs (well, actually it's
a modified version of a similar batch file written by Synthetic Soul
over at hydrogenaudio).

The advantages of this over FLAC Tester are:

1. It's a batch file, so you can run it on a command line, which means
you can easily schedule it to verify your FLACs on a regular basis

2. It'll spit out a log file listing any FLACs that failed

3. You point it to a particular version of flac.exe, which means you
can be assured that you're using the latest version of FLAC to verify
your files.

This isn't anything fancy, it just uses the official FLAC test command
to verify the files.

The differences b/w this file and Synthetic Soul's original one are
just that it includes some code to produce a log file, and it fixes a
problem that his script had with Vista.

So here's the batch file:

All of the user configurable options are at the top of the file (and
labeled as such). You can just drop a file or folder of FLACs on it, or
call it from the command line with one of these as a paramater.


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