Recognizing that SP/DIF is less than ideal, the next step is obvious,
propose an implement a new standard.  The problem with this, is the vast
majority of the marketplace see's nothing wrong with SP/DIF, and isn't
going to pay anything more for it....

In fact, in addition to the separate word clock, there has been another
standard proposed, and implemented by some manufactures: the I2S
interface (I squared S).  This derives from another Sony/Philips spec, a
buss intended for IC to IC communication inside a CD player.  The name
is an abbreviation of Inter-IC Sound buss.

The original version (championed by Audio Alchemy) used a DIN connector
to handle the extra pins required.  Not the best connector, as it isn't
a controlled impedance connection, but at least it did split the data
and clocks.  Ultra Analog developed an improved version of this
interface dubbed I2S enhanced, which extended the spec to allow for the
clock to be sourced from either the DAC or Transport.  It used a 13W3
connector, which is an odd looking beast used by high end graphics
terminals.  Externally, it looks like a DB25 but is interesting in that
it has 3 75ohm coaxial cable connections along with 5 twisted pairs. 
Wadia (who ultimately bought out Ultra Analog) and Sonic Frontiers had
products which made use of this interface.

The point of all of this, is that better interfaces have been proposed,
implemented, marketed, and failed....   Sad to say, but I think we're
stuck with SP/DIF.......


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