mswlogo;538905 Wrote: 
> What it tells you is the limit of your DAC even in the MOST EXTREME
And pray tell why I should care about these EXTREME UNREALISTIC

mswlogo;538905 Wrote: 
> Even with 6dB (1 bit of attenuation) you can EASILY hear a difference in
> these unrealistic test files.
Of course you can. So what?

mswlogo;538905 Wrote: 
> But if you can HEAR any difference I assure you it will effect fine
> level detail of a real recording too.
Riiiight... I routinely accept the assurances of strangers, of course.

Heaven forbid that, having compared my Transporter via a preamp versus
direct (using appropriate passive attenuation, of course) and
discovered that the direct connection sounds better, I should trust my
own experimental results.

mswlogo;538905 Wrote: 
> If you are perfect then just ignore it. No need to be jerk about it.
I will admit to being pretty aggressive in my first reply, which is
fairly out of character for me. That's because your opening statements
included calling people like me "fools". Now you've called me a jerk,
so you'll understand why I've maintained my impolite attitude.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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