iPhone;563648 Wrote: 
> Use the cheap drives, you don't need 7200 rpm drives to stream music.

That's certainly true for streaming to a couple of players, but if I
were doing 16 simultaneous streams I would want a little more assurance
on the drive end.

>  Also people are constantly misrepresenting the bandwidth needed. First
> you are not streaming the same song to all players.

What difference does that make in regards to bandwidth requirements? 
If you arrive at some average compression level, which isn't too
difficult with FLAC (figure maybe 50-60% of original size) then you
have a pretty good estimate of network bandwidth needs.  If you were
streaming the same song to all players then the only real place you'd
save is in disk access, as the file would be physically read from disk
just once and then read from a memory buffer for the remainder of the

> Lastly, this is a buffered dynamic streaming network and is not a note
> for note constant stream real time stream, the SqueezebToxes stay ahead
> of what is currently playing. If you don't believe this just unplug your
> Ethernet or WiFi Router and you'll see your music will keep playing
> until the buffer is empty.

While this is true, the average bandwidth per stream and overall
network throughput are easily estimated and the only thing you can work
with.  If you knew that the overall requirement was more than 10 Mbps
and you have only a 10 Mbps network, then you can be assured that it
won't work, no matter what.  Given my estimate of 13.5 Mbps above, no
it won't be that exact number every microsecond - it will go in bursts,
but it's a good gauge when you want to determine impact on the whole

> One of my commercial applications is supporting 15 players with FLAC
> with an Atom MB with 4GB RAM, two 5200 RPM 2 TB drives, and Ubuntu OS.

Good to hear about a real world example.

For an project like this, I think it's fair to assume that a cost
differential of a couple hundred dollars for the server is
insignificant.  We all know that server speed also has a large effect
on player interface responsiveness.  I would err on the side of
overspec'ing a server and give users a positive interface experience.

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