I have been experimenting with dbpoweramp converting CD's to 24/96. As I
have discussed in other posts, I really like the sound of the upsampled
16/44.8 to 24/96 through the Transporter! I mean, I'm really happy! I
can even tell the difference in sound from other rooms in the house. It
comes close to that "live" sound. Especially in the bass. 

Count me as a believer!


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.
earwaxer9's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39527
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=80903

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