Phil Leigh;610078 Wrote: 
> Sorry...
> the outcome is that the TACT is now in the loft.
> Not only does Inguz do pretty much everything that the TACT did, it
> does it with noticeably (to my ears) less artefacts. In particular, a
> nasty upper-mid resonance on some material that I've been living with
> for over 5 years is gone.
> Bass feels improved in clarity (and it was pretty damn good to begin
> with) but the big difference for me is in the midrange - everything
> sounds more "vital" but at the same time less "fraught".. hard to
> explain.
> Anyway, Inguz (and Audiolense) are staying. I may upgrade later to the
> top version of AL to get the group delay feature. It's a shame that
> can't be "added" to the basic software.

So basically, even if you start from scratch (no mic, etc), a decently
powered SB server and a few hundred bucks can get you something at
least as good as a $6000 TACT RC pre. Amazing. Of course, you may also
have to invest in a DAC to equal the SQ.

Definitely something for me to consider when I upgrade my server to
something that will run Audiolense and Ignuz (presently ATOM based
server, can't handle it).


Tranquil PC fanless WHS server running SqueezeServer; SB Touch slaved to
Empirical Audio Pace Car; MF V DAC3, MF X-150 amp, Devore Gibbon Super 8
Speakers; Dual 506 + Ortofon 20 (occasional use); sometimes use PC with
M-Audio 192 as digital source. SB Boom in second room. Arcam CD82 which
I don't use anymore, even though it's a very good player.
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