magiccarpetride;621488 Wrote: 
> So the theory that my ears broke in after a certain accommodation period
> is a load of bollocks, because if that's true, it would apply to every
> other component, no?

No one is talking about your ears having "broke in" but rather your
brain having made perceptual adjustments. The investigation into
psychological factors influencing our perception is quite extensive and
well documented. The hobby of audio equipment does not have a special
exception to the influences that affect human perception. 

One of the biggest misconceptions I see repeatedly in audio is the
belief that certain individuals think they are in full command of their
biases and have accounted for all possible subjective influences. Short
of acquiring divine status, that's not possible in this life. 

These subjective influences, many of which reside below the level of
consciousness, also help explain why there can be such a wide range of
varying reactions to the same piece of equipment. And it also explains
why those differences also lessen in scale (and sometimes disappear)
when people listen without the benefit of their subjective factors.

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