screen off turns the display completely off. 

You can measure it on the power consumption.

If you use the screensaver "screen off" there won't be a difference.

It is known to most of the people around that the touch-surface 
stays on.

I havn't found the "knob" to turn that one off.

The screen and the graphical user interface is what's bugging me most
on the Touch. The GUI related background processes are also still
active. There are even sensors which check every couple of milliseconds
the light conditions.
I think Logitech spent most of their time and budget on the Display and
GUI stuff.

Honestly I'd love to see a DUET 3 kind of device. Most of the community
findings on the HW and SW side should go into that design. 

They should focus on clean no frill streaming black box. 
It should come with a new 3.1 rt-kernel, newest ALSA and a better USB
controller inside. 

All @ 100$. ;)



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