Audio Bling;683088 Wrote: 
> Nice post. Well set out & easy to read. Could be a model for others (at
> least in form).. 
> The question is: Should we believe Bryston & Steve Nugent? It is nice
> to talk about “rise time”; “fundamentals” and “reflections”. However,
> can you or I verify the theory let alone the practice? 
> A tour of some notable cable manufacturer's web-sites indicates that
> the vast majority are silent about the >1.5m rule. Are they ignorant or
> coy? More likely they have contrary opinions..
> Bottom line: The jury is still out on this matter and there is reason
> to be sceptical - not withstanding your excellent post which seems,
> however, a little too one-sided for my taste. For me, your last line
> carries the most weight for the following reason: In the absence of
> credible testing/experiment, what can we do but share our own meagre
> and limited experiences? Your BJC experience makes you want to line up
> for "longer is better"; my experience makes me want to line up for "not
> sure". Others here want to line up for “no difference”.

Easy. Get a short and a long digital coax cable. Try them both. You
could either:

a.) hear no difference between the two, or
b.) hear the difference

If a.), then who cares. If b.), then stick with the one that sounds

Or, c.) -- you're afflicted with extremely low self-esteem and cannot
trust your own organism to decide what's pleasant and what's not. In
which case, there is professional help available (at a reasonable
price, I'm sure).

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