adamdea;684750 Wrote: 
> Obviously a little introspection is required before making bold claims
> on any side. But that is exactly what is lacking in the subjectivist
> blather which has fogged up several threads on this forum. 
> In reality all that has happened in response has been some more or less
> terse reminders that most of this is probably imaginery, and none of it
> constitutes a compelling reasopn for a rational person to wish to apply
> the changes to which the imagined effect are attributed.
> There isn't really an epistemological middle ground. That is to say if
> you take these things seriously, ie if you actually care whether they
> are true, and if you consdier that they deserve serious discussion, you
> cannot avoid analysing the reliability of the evidence presented and the
> conclusions which can be drawn from it.
> Aside from the really extreme and egregious examples (most of which
> come from one source), the ad hominems and the more or less insulting
> ways of putting things are largely irrelevant: The essential points
> remian and can't be evaded
> 1. there does exist a body of science about audio principles, audio
> engineering and what human beings can hear.
> 2  it requires cogent evidence to make a rational person accept a
> proposition which appears to contradict the body of knowledge at 1
> 3 a sensible person who thought he had experienced something which
> appeared to contradict that body of knowledge would think again; he
> might still conclude that he really had experienced what the thought he
> had, but if he didn't think long and hard about it then he would be
> showing extraordinary and possibly pathological self-belief.[it's not a
> question of demadning scientific evidence from people- if you point out
> that it exists it is up to them to consider it and explain it away]
> 4 there is a considerable body of evidence within psychoacoustics
> (summarised in the poppy crum/ethan weiner talk)which points to the
> conclusions that non abx subjective experience is very unreliable.
> 5 even if the subjective experience *were* reliable in general as with
> all evidence one has with each piece of evidence to consider what
> weight is to be attributed to it including especially the reliability
> of the witness and the internal coherence of the evidence. 
> Now all the appeals to calmness and not being rude etc are largely
> largely beside the point if you consider  the real complaint by
> twaekers on this forum. The complaint is that they think it is rude or
> arrogant not to think that what they expereince is true real and cogent
> (if not irrefutable) evidence that fiddling with psus/cables/shakti
> stones makes your hifi sound
> a) different
> b) better.
> They think this is rude and arrogant irrespective of how politely or
> otherwise it is put. The cries of foul are disngenuous and amount to a
> sort of desperate procedural wrangling in a losing case. I have wasted
> time politely dealing with certain people's arguments, and in cetain
> cases I can;t really be bothered because it ends up the same no matter
> what. 
> If a point is well made whether with or without the odd calumny thrown
> in, it can usually be identified and can still be distinguished from a
> "point" which simply consists of insults, suggestiones falsi and
> sophistry.
> If people don;t want to have their reports evaluated and considered
> then why do they make them? Why do they advise people as to what to do?
> Why do they *state* that blah blah blah makes the squeezebox touch into
> a much better trasnport? Who are they talking to and why are they doing
> it? Plainly they want people to listen and take note.
> In which case what could be wrong with replying "thank you for the
> information but, having considered it, it appears to provide no
> reasonable ground for altering the view that [blah blah blah] is
> unlikely to make any differnece, and no reason to spend any money or
> time on a [blah blah blah.]" And that will be just as unwelcome as
> saying "Having consdiered your latest posting you still seem to be a
> fuckwit".
> Now one could stop at point 4 above but it would be disingenuous to
> ignore point 5 if the argument is really being taken seriously. In fact
> the tiresome subjectivist/objectivist argument on this forum rarely gets
> to the interesting point about the way in which value judgments are
> assessed. People who are interested in the arts certainly do hold
> ex[press and trade subjective opinions; the fact that these opinions
> are subjective does not mean that they can;t be evaluated. There are
> more and less rational, cogent and deep reasons for admiring one
> painting or preferring it to another.   
> And it is therefore quite reasonable to point out that, even if
> subjective reports which don't make any technical sense are *in
> principle* to be taken seriously, some reporters have excluded
> themselves from being taken seriously by writing bizarre, hyperbolic,
> contradictory crap day in day out. You don't really have to get into
> the philosophy of science to know that no one is going to rethink
> Nyquist shannon on the basis of some random postings from the edges of
> sanity, however persistent. Now I accept that this last part is tricker
> to say without being a little bit rude, but hey!

Thank you.  I have a couple very minor quibbles with what you wrote,
but they're really not particularly relevant to this forum.  On the
whole....well done!!



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