There are people who believe that replacing stock power cables on audio
components with high quality power cables improves the sound quality.
Those people may be crazy, or they may be correct in their beliefs, the
jury is still out.

There are, on the other hand, people who, upon learning that someone
had dared spending their own money on replacing a stock power cable
with a high quality power cable, drop whatever it is they are doing and
make it their appointed duty to debunk such 'myths'. Those people can't
eat, can't sleep, can't rest anymore, they feel an irresistible urge to
spring into action, to shout from the rooftops announcing the madness of
those who believe in high quality power cables. People who voluntarily,
on their own time without pay engage in such do-gooders activities are
undeniably crazy.

So after experiencing quite an improvement from replacing the power
cables on two of my audio components with Shunyata power cables, I
couldn't help myself -- I went out for a walk this Saturday and visited
my local dealer and bought a third (facepalm!) Shunyata power cable.
This time, I placed it in front of my mains power conditioner.

I will spare you the gory details, but overall the sound is now so much
cleaner, less fussy, firmer and lucid, that it really is not funny. This
may only be efficient in my audio system, due to its peculiar balances,
foibles and synergies. Also, it could very well be that my mains power
line is so polluted and messy that any amount of filtering yields quite
spectacular results. Whatever it is, I am now enjoying a much more
authoritative sound reproduction. The biggest overall improvement for
me is a notably cleaner, stronger bass. What used to sound like deep,
meandering murky mumbling and blooming is now a taut, muscular bass
that has little, if any coloration.

OK, now's the time for the myth busters to drop everything and attack
me by exposing my madness. Enjoy the fruits on my trolling!

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