A definition of a being a redneck is possessing "glorious absence of

Aesthetic concerns seem to be topping the list of things that remain
inscrutable for the audiophile rednecks. They only seem capable of
listening to music if they happen to be holding an SPL meter in their
hands, while constantly reading the measured values displayed on the

Join me in this game -- you may be an audiophile redneck if...

- you buy new speakers based solely on their measurement parameters

- you buy new flat screen TV only after conducting a series of double
blind randomized statistically valid tests

- you are convinced that it is only possible to hear differences
between two audio systems due to the fact that such differences exist
only in your head

- you insist in connecting your speakers to your power amplifier with
coat hangers

- upon buying an expensive new amplifier, you immediately throw the
power cable that came with it and replace it with a kettle cable that's
lying around the house

- you enjoy participating in the race to the bottom by frequenting
Walmart stores in search of the shittiest, cheapest possible DVD player
(anything over $20 qualifies as emperor's new clothes), because you know
that a good DAC will render any difference in digital players opaque

- you convert all your digital music library to 128 kbps mp3 because
you know that it is impossible to hear any difference between heavily
compressed lossy format and a high definition (24 bit 192 kHz) format

- you frequent audiophile forums looking for people to attack, to tar
and feather them and kick them out, because such activities bring you
endless joy and make you feel great about yourself

Your turn...

magiccarpetride's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=37863
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=93236

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