vett93;687745 Wrote: 
> By definition, does an "audiophile" have to tweak the system to improve
> sound reproduction (e.g., moving speakers around, experiment this and
> that, etc.) to qualify as one?

I don't think so. I actually like this line from the audiophile
wikipedia entry:
'Some audiophiles are more interested in collecting and listening to
music, while others are more interested in collecting and listening to
audio components, whose "sound quality" they consider as important as
the recorded musical performance, or even more important. The ratio of
an audiophile's spending on software (music) versus hardware (audio
components) is a rough guide to where they stand in the audiophile

I especially like the item about the ratio or software to hardware. 10
to 15 years back I was fascinated by the tweaks and was changing CD
players, cables, speakers every 3 months. As the years went by, I've
noticed a much more intense interest in the music/software; the purpose
of this neurotic obsession.  It's actually thanks to the Squeezebox
system that I could finally unify my collection and focus on the music

As for variability in an audio system. To paraphrase Animal House: "All
audiophile components are equal, but some components are more equal than

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