mashley;689831 Wrote: 
> How many people have gotten fed up with Pandora waiting for them to get
> their act together for streaming to us at a higher bitrate to our
> devices, and have now moved on to another music source.
I still use Pandora a little because they still give me what they
originally promised me many years ago: music that they choose based on
my thumbs up/down. At 128kbps. For free. Or rather for the price of
hearing adverts now and again.

For slightly higher quality (192kbps) and on-demand music selection I
use Rhapsody. At the special $5/mo rate it's only a little more
expensive than "Pandora One", but it's so much more useful to me
because I select what I play. When the rate goes up to $10/mo I'll have
to choose between staying with Rhapsody, switching to MOG, or dropping
the on-demand service.

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