Wombat;693244 Wrote: 
> The last years we had some real progress in the lytics materials. A
> Panasonic FC or FM, Rubycon Z and several others have extremely low
> inner resistance, ESR and very high SRF these days. So if any
> meaurements hint to high distortion i´d like to see some measurements
> done with these new generation caps. I even think that replacing a new
> generation lytic with a film cap with much lower capacity leads to
> weaker sound.

When you say lower value film cap, what sort of value do you mean?

I've found that you can loose some bass and sound a little thin if you
go lower than 2.2uF. I never have an issue with 4.7uF.

I've extensively use all 3 caps types you mention but I've never tried
them for DC blocking.


Touch,Linear Low Noise PSU,2 Regs,2 direct Clocks,Caps..
SB3 Deep Blue screen - 2 Clocks, 3 Low noise regs, SEPC & ZA caps,
External PSU 80VA, Hexfred & Mundorf SI, RA Signature PowerKord.
Audio Aero Capitole MKII Spinner & DAC, RESTEK fantasy (modded),
Heavily modded SL-1200MKII,Denon DL-103L by Expert Stylus Co (Sapphire
Cantilever &custom Diamond stylus),Classe Processor,  Focal 706v kimber
rewire and Mundorf Supreme in crossovers, 8TC speaker cables, Kimber
power cables &NNUX mains filter
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