I decided to apply soundcheck's Touch Toolbox thinking that its third
iteration would be something worthwhile. Being the happy owner of a
pair of fine and very revealing full range electrostatic speakers
(Audiostatic DCM5)I could not imagine that the simple Touch could be an
audiophile component in its own right. But it can, if and only if you
take care of a few things:

forget 16/44.1 FLAC, use only WAV. I know, it's controversial but I can
hear the difference every time and it's not subtle. It makes the
difference in SQ with high resolution FLACs trivial if you have a good
recording to begin with. 

use the Meicord Opal patchcables recommended by soundcheck. And yes,
they are directional. Again, controversial, but easy to try.

use Touch Toolbox 3.0 with the standard settings, including tt -w en tt
In order to use tt -w you need a range extender if you don't have an
ethernet cable connection to the Touch. 

use a linear power supply like the one recommended bij soundcheck. Give
it a few weeks to settle.

use a good DAC with a good SPDIF cable. I've had great results with the
humble Musical Fidelity V-DAC II. I have the standard power supply
connected to a PS audio Quintet.

Now try something similar with your own setup en tell me that this is
not the best sound you have ever heard in your room.

best regards and kudo's to soundcheck

touchup's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=55167
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=91322

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