I recently picked up a second SBT in a Logitech "blemished box" sale
here in the UK, as insurance against any problems with the original.

I had some time on my hands today and decided to do a comparison between
my Rega and HRT II+(2011) dacs. So setup as follows:

- both SBTs stock, except for Triode's EDO (on both). Stock power
supplies to both.
- level matched (nothing sophisticated, just a test tone and free Ipad
- same cables from both dacs to preamp
- remote control preamp
- SBTs synchronised and connected wirelessly to server
- Rega via filter 1, and optical spdif input (this is my normal setup)

System is, I think, quite transparent (LDR passive pre>active
crossover(with dsp)>2xset amps/plate amps>OB speakers(Hawthorne))

I started off by randomising the input to the preamp so I couldn't know
which dac was playing. Later, curiosity got the better of me and I
switched between dacs "sighted".

To be succinct, I couldn't put a gnat's whiskers between them. There
would be no point in a "proper" blind test as I know I wouldn't have a

I then decide to apply TT2 to the SBT with HRT connected (wireless
deactivated, and connection via bridge). I still could not discern any
difference whatsover.

I'm kind of disappointed, because I had thought to hear differences
applying various mods, but this exercise has been educational for me. At
least I have learned that to assess any change it is very useful to have
a benchmark in place, which you can switch quickly back to for

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