Girls and guys, I would not be asking this question if I had not "heard"
(I mean it!) better...! Now you might be right, or you might be wrong,
that out of the touch, it won't get better. But there is live after the
touch... I lately had the opportunity to have a listeing session with
the wifi/lan/etc. streaming DAC of resolution audio, and I have dealt
with music sufficiently long to know, that this was closer to live than
what I get out my touch. However, I am not sure, where the biggest room
for improvement lies.

@TheOctavist: If you read my initial post here, you have seen, that I
have a rather decent dac connected...

@TheOctavist #2: "it gets no better than perfect, friend". Well friend.
You are right. But we ar still far away from perfect. Many so called
"audiophiles" know music only from audio. Well there, it does not
surprise anyobody, that they find audio just perfect.

But some among us intimately know the natural, direct, unaltered sound
of instruments (im mean the real natural direct sound, not just
impressions out of amplified concerts...!!!) and some among us try to
transport a slight memory of this (THIS) feeling into the 4 walls of our
home. That is, why we know, that we are still not there, where "perfect"
begins. And we continue looking for improvement, just to get a bit
closer and again a bit closer...

I can't talk for everybody here, just for me: I dont think the word
"audiophile" matches, what I am looking for. Its not audio. Its just
those short moments of the illusion of real music, trying to make them
last longer and the illusion even more perfect... "musicophile" maybe???
I don't care.

How old or young are you, Octavist? Do you remenber back there in 1982:
"perfect sound forever", Philipps and Sony called out, that audio
equipment development had reached its top forever, the peak, Mount
Everest. Now way to go further. Happyness without compromise. Well for
10 years, they said: A zero is a zero. A one is a one. Nothing can be
changed or altered there. Its simple: just perfect.

Nobody believed that there were other things they just had not SEEN.
Well. it took 10 years!!!! Then they discovered the impact of "jitter"
;-) !

What we don't know today, is, what it is that makes equal strems of 0
and 1 sound differently, when thrown through different cables, different
DACs that have the same chips built in, but different DC supplies. Etc.
But those people who realy listen, and who really care for (its not bad
if you don't, its just a choice!!!), these people indeed DO notice the
difference. If you put sufficient empiric experiencies together, you
will notice, that they match what is needed for a significant
statistical difference that would be enough for the scientifical proof,
that there IS a difference, even if we might not yet know, what the
cause of it is. So its not just "rainbows" - its sciense. Yet not
phyisical sciense, but statistical. The physicians still have to figure
out where it comes from. They might eventually open wide their eyes and
discover a new word, just as they discovered "jitter" one surprising

Do it like Aristoteles told us: Measure, what you can measure. And make
measurable, what you cannot measure yet. (What he did not say, but its
self-evident: Do not just ignore IT because you don't have the
instruments yet, to measure IT).

So long for "perfect"... you provoked me :) I did not want to enter into
this discussion, as it is really odd... Some believe in what they see on
a measuring screen, others believe what they hear, some hear
differences, others not. Lets everybody live in peace together :)

So to reiniterate the question: 

I am NOT (NOT!!!) asking whether the Touch is perfect or not!!! I am
just asking, what is the best way to get digital s/pdif or usb data out
of a squeezebox (be it touch, transporter or whatever), to feed a good

Has anyone made other (listening!!!) experiencies??? Thanks!

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