There was a fair bit of discussion after the Touch's release (and even
before release once the secret was out and beta testers could discuss it
on the forums) about the comparative quality of the SB3/Classic digital
outs and the Touch's. A lot of people, including some whose opinions I
respect a great deal, concluded that the Touch's digital outs are better
than the SB3's. You're right that the SB's DAC doesn't enter into the
picture, but the explanation given was that the Touch has a "cleaner" (I
think that was the main operative word) signal path from data input to
digital output.  

Whether you can hear that difference with your ears and your music on
your system in your listening room is a separate question. To put it in
terms of the question in the thread title, I suspect that for most
people it would not make "much" difference.

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