
t 04:50 26/12/2012, you wrote:

1. USB TT really suck .

Indeed a lot of these turntables seem to be built to be as cheap as possible
with just the ability to get a signal out.

I would get a second hand TT or borrow one and digitize vinyl with either
a PC via an ADC or the way I do it using a minidisc recorder.

ATRAC is lossy but mid range decks (JB series) sound very close to the original
source. If lossy doesn't appeal a mzrh1 HiMD recorder can do 16bit 44khz PCM


Running MorphOS v3.1 (July 2012) on a PowerPC Powerbook, Moderator of MiniDisc,amithlonopen,bwfc Yahoogroups

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