ralphpnj wrote: 
> Interesting thread filled with very worthwhile posts! Hopefully this
> post will be up to these high standards!
> Thanks Andy for the link to that most amusing video. Is that the same
> Mr. Smith from the Matrix movies because they sure do look very
> similar.
> I have a fairly good vinyl rig (one of those Linns that Mnyb mentioned)
> and about 2,000 LPs since I didn't sell off my vinyl when CDs were
> introduced. For whatever reason I still feel that vinyl playback, i.e.
> analog, has better bass than digital. Also there ae times when I'm
> listening to a record that I think what was so wrong with vinyl that
> they had to introduce CD and then I remember that CDs were introduced to
> replace cassettes which had overtaken LP sales back in the early 1980s.
> I guess the record companies though that since CDs were not recordable
> that CDs would cut down on all the copying that was going on with
> cassettes back then. Little did they know what a monster they unleashed.
> Anyway there are times that good old vinyl can sound fantastic. I kind
> of view analog and digital like this: analog is a great recording and
> playback medium but a really bad storage medium whereas digital is a
> very good recording and playback medium and an excellent storage medium.
> In other words each one has its pluses and minuses.
> ...

Thanks for sharing Ralph.  Didn't know you had such an extensive LP

Curious have you tried some LP needle drops through your gear? 
Wondering if you ever thought that the analog "better bass" was
something inherent in the playback system or just the difference in
mastering. By essentially all objective metrics (except maybe frequency
extension), CD trumps vinyl as far as I can tell. This should include
(and maybe especially!) bass as well. Do you feel there is "something"
about the sound itself that vinyl produces which cannot somehow be
exactly replicated by the CD medium (lets forget about hi-res for now)?
Ultimately for the vinylphiles this seems to be the intangible
"something" that they identify as special about the system.

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