Mnyb wrote: 
> Hmm :)
> The filter is a part of the reconstruction of the signal ? if that works
> all is well acording the sample theorem .
> So audiophiles with NOS dacs want a technologie that breaks the sample
> theorem ? and fullfils the myth that higher sample rates are needed ?
> :confused:


Here's an example of a recent thread arguing for NOS from a few of the
posters as well as some more technical types chiming in...

Just one of those things that remain "unsettled" in audiophilia. I've
always been curious about the AGE of some of the die-hard adherents of
the NOS design and what their hearing frequency response is. I'm sure my
dad would not be able to differentiate the sound of a NOS from one with
flat response for example...

Like DSD vs. PCM, is there some special *quality* present without the
digital filter in place that's desirable? I'm not sure...  I'll need to
spend more time with this mode doing A-B tests but so far, it's really
not all *that* different in my listening (other than a small amount of
high-frequency loss).

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