andy_c wrote: 
> Archimago, this was a very well-written and well-reasoned article. 
> Thanks for posting it.
> However, if one were to write a letter to the editor about it, the
> letter might be based on an assumption that the authors of the HFN & RR
> article are behaving in an ethical fashion, and that the issue is just a
> need on their part to be more forthright about the protocol used in the
> tests they claimed to have performed.
> As I see it, these people are nothing more than fiction writers for what
> amounts to a comic book.  Due to various unfortunate turns the hobby has
> taken over the years, the success of their business model depends on
> their ability to lie to their readers about the efficacy of advertisers'
> "solutions" to non-problems.  That's what they do.  So any belief that a
> letter to the editor based on the assumption that they have any concern
> whatsoever with the truth of the matter would be naive in my view.
> I wish this weren't true, as it's a cool hobby with many benefits for
> its participants.  But it is what it is, sad as that may be.

True, Andy and Ralph.

This is why I figured I might as well post this up on the blog. No point
sending anything as a Letter To The Editor IMO... I know different
magazines are different but the lack of a torrent of angry letters
printed when TAS released their series of insane articles on computer
audio back in early 2012 is telling. The good thing about the Internet
is that everyone can read about it and from what I see in terms of hits
to my blog, I think people do want to read "non-fiction" every once
awhile :-).

Over time, I admit, as an objectivist, there's not many other burning
questions I need to answer for myself... As Mnyb said a few weeks back,
the "emperor's closet is looking pretty empty". I think it's time real
soon to just get on with enjoying the music and going on vacation :-).

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