I know it's an old thread, but I just stumbled into it last night while
reading through Archimago's brilliantly done blog.

Looping back to the original question, my take.

Like a lot of people, I wasted way too much time on dubious audiophile
claims, though my particular weakness lies in the direction of "how
cheap can you go and still get hi-fi?" Also like a lot of folks, I've
come out the other end, chastened and realistic.


- I'm 57 and have tinnitus.

- I don't have a lot of resources to pour into improving what I already

- I have little choice as far as speaker placement or room environment.

- I only have so much time left on this earth, and can't really listen
to everyhing I already own, let alone everything that's out there.

The placement of my speakers, the room and my ears are obviously much,
much more important than the subtle/questionable/non differences from
DACs, cables and the like. So here's what I'm after: I want equipment
that plays acoustic jazz and pre-rock American Songbook-type singers
well, at low to moderate volumes. Also, a touch of blues and old country
and Bach. Also, streaming radio. In other words, nothing too demanding.
I want it to sound good, which to me means splitting the difference
between being accurate and treating the music gently, a la tubes.
Mostly, it means using what I have at hand. 

I've simplified lately, and my main system is now a NAD C740 receiver,
which combined the C340 amp and C440 tuner under one roof; an Oppo
blu-ray player (a cheap one from a few years back); a SB3; PSB Alpha B1
speakers; a Roku box. I no longer use a separate DAC with the the Oppo
or SB - maybe I just don't own one that's good enough, but I couldn't
hear the difference between audio from the DAC or the analog outs from

The SB3 is exclusively a radio tuner for me, and my big project needs to
be moving all the shiny spinning discs I think I'll want to hear over
the next 20 years to some sort of server - but I'm torn because of the
abundace of options: I ran Vortexbox for a year or so and liked it, but
thought the tagging was weak. I could run a Win 8 box with JRiver and
dbPowerAmp, both of which I own, but Windows is fussy. Or I could use a
Mac, but that means buying further into the Apple eco-system, maybe,
than I want. As a Linux guy, I'm inclined to go the V'box route and
build a player or two using a Pi or one of the other boards, but on the
other hand, I'm not sure I want to work that hard.

Meantime, I have a Boom on my nightstand and just got a used Duet for my
office. Squeezeboxes continue to delight me.

Scott A.
Watertown NY

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