you are expressing what I and many other would consider a sensible
approach. What we are seeing in realiy is quite a different picture
though. The market for separate DACs is unbroken. And so called
'audiophiles' are jumping on every donkey's back that comes along. It is
a simple fact that the audio industry has no interest whatsoever in
integrated solutions. Separat components yield a far high margin. Yes,
they do offer all-in-one gear, but always with a compromise involved; be
it the power output of the amp section (most common), usability of
in-built streamers or quality of the DAC (i.e. my MF M6i).
Not for the life if me would I ever buy a dedicated DAC. I want as
little boxes as possible. I expect every source component to have a
decent DAC on board. But having a very good DAC and only this ONE
integrated in the amp would surely save a lot of resources (any money).
So I absolutely see your point.

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