ralphpnj wrote: 
> ...
> This post got me to thinking about an area where digital audio continues
> to fall way short of it's vast potential. I'm referring to the lack of
> hyper-linking within a digital audio music library. For example by this
> I mean the ability to be listening to Miles Davis' classic "Kind of
> Blue" while looking at the "now playing" display on either a computer,
> tablet or smart phone and having the all the information about the
> recording right in front of you but with full hyperlinks to various
> aspects of the recording. There would hyperlinks on the all the songs,
> composers, musicians and recording data (engineer, studio, date, etc.)
> and clicking on any hyperlink would bring up information about that
> item, both in general and in one's own music library. Click on "Bill
> Evans" (the piano player on "Kind of Blue") and one could see a full
> biography and discography of Mr. Evans plus a list of all the recordings
> in one's music library that Evans appears on. To me this is the kind of
> connectivity and information that computer based audio should be
> striving for and once this kind hyper-linking is properly and fully
> developed and implemented the power of computer based digital audio
> would be well beyond reproach.
> By the way the excellent program "Muso" (http://klarita.net/muso.html),
> which is an LMS front end player and music library information center
> for use on Windows computers, has a few of the features I outlined above
> and is moving in the right direction. In addition I believe that the
> Sooloos/Meridian music server system also has some of these features.

Interesting comment about the links and Muso.

I tried Muso about a couple years back. Nice idea and features but I
didn't buy it because I rarely played the music off the Windows

There could be a lot of work done to improve the "virtual" cover/booklet
experience. I control the music with my Android tablet using Squeeze
Commander most of the time or 'eos' when I'm playing songs as DLNA off
JRiver. We can of course look at the cover already but I do want more!
Apps like FoobarCon goes online and has lyrics playback and can dig out
biographies and discographies for the artist.

Like pablolie, I have most (essentially all) of my CD's in the server
now but I have the booklets scanned as JPGs into an "Art" folder in the
folder of the album. I would love to somehow have a control device like
my Android tablet access that 'Art' directory to show the pages if I
want to read the booklet. Should not be difficult I would guess? I don't
see how this can be done at present. For me, this would go a good ways
towards matching something like the CD at least; a convenient way to see
and read the booklet integrated into the control UI device that I've
scanned in already.

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