jh901 wrote: 
> Sure would be interesting if any number of bickering audiophiles lived
> near one another!  Well, southwest PA isn't what I'd call audiophile
> country, but we do have about the hottest new food scene in the US
> (subjectively speaking).  Perhaps we'll find a well regarded member who
> does live nearby?!
> I might make it over to Radio Shack tomorrow.  My interest has been
> piqued.  I've probably upgraded parts of my system 20 times in the past,
> oh, five years.  Maybe more.  I enjoy the improvements I've experienced
> each and every time, yet I rarely give much thought to the specific
> engineering principles which deliver these improvements.  I am a natural
> skeptic, but I'm simply not inclined to doubt my sensory perceptions
> (hearing, in this case) to what I believe to be an irrational degree. 
> That said, I can appreciate some aspects of the anti-establishment
> sentiment and I am generally aware of how our emotional state can fool
> us.

Sounds good. You give it a good try. Over the years I've certainly done
things I thought made a huge difference until I switched back or got
myself to evaluate in an unsighted manner.  Maybe set it up so a
friend/wife/kid can randomly plug in one of the 2 cables unsighted after
you spend some time with the zip cord vs. Analysis Plus.

For speaker cables, although 14G is likely more than adequate for short
lengths, I'd see about getting a roll of 12G just in case one day you
want to make long runs. (This is what I did for >30' lengths to reach my
surround speakers.)

Have fun and let us know how it goes!

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audiophile blog.
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