Julf wrote: 
> But as Lee Hutchinson writes, "Realistically, we also know that this
> test won’t sway anyone—if for no other reason than that audiophiles tend
> to discount the results of blind listening tests (especially A/B/X tests
> like weÂ’re planning on conducting)."

I followed up on the mention of Michael Lavorgna in that article
and found this article:


I recommend the book heartily as among other things a proof text for
some of the benefits of ABX testing. So I was initially surprised to
find that an old school anti-DBT die hard like Lavorgna was also
recommending it. Watch this spin:

"The scientific method requires that we control all possible variations
in order to be able to draw firm conclusions about the phenomenon under
study. Yet such control often creates stimuli or conditions that would
never be encountered in the real world, situations that are so far
removed from the real world as not even to be valid. The British
philosopher Alan Watts, author of The Wisdom of Insecurity, put it this
way: "If you want to study a river, you donÂ’t take out a bucketful of
water and stare at it on the shore."

Several points: 

(1) Alan Watts was a very old-school philosopher who died in the early
1970s so his take on life might be just a little outdated. 

(2) If you are familiar with people who study river water quality
professionally, you know that after studying the river to figure out
where to sample it, taking out a bucket of water and studying it on the
shore is exactly what you do, and it works.

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