I know this thread died out a long time ago but I think that there are
still many of us who would like a deeper understanding of the upsampling
options offered in piCorePlayer and I assume other linux-based players.
My linux skills are close to zero. My hope is to help others get the
most from the options at hand.

If there is a better thread, forum or site to follow for this please let
me know.

I have found these two links that have some detailed information:


Two specific questions, both related to John Swenson's recipe of
"mI:::28" (post #5)
1) If I leave off the "28" what happens? What's the default?  IIRC
piCorePlayer uses 32 bit processing - If we specify the 28, does that
actually reduce the processing from 32 to 28 bit?

2) If I want to use a filter option different from M(inimum),
I(ntermediate) or L(inear), (lets say "17" on the scale from 0 to 100)
do you leave out the M, I or L from the recipe and use "m:::28:::17" or
mI:::28:::17"  - Does the "17" supercede the "I" ?

Thanks for any advice


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