Julf wrote: 
> http://www.realhd-audio.com/?p=5680
> "I'm going to start a YouTube channel and podcast this summer and will
> be challenging some of the claims made by companies selling snake oil.
> Power cords are on my list. If anyone...and end user or dealer or
> manufacturer...can lend me a very expensive power cord, I would love to
> be able to do a scientific comparison between a "state-of-the-art" power
> cord and one the one that came with my Benchmark DAC2 (which is what
> they recommend be used with their gear). It is possible to measure any
> differences between them. My guess is that they won't be any
> different...but I'll try to keep an open mind."
> I hope he still writes up his experiences too, I am more of a reader
> than a youtube-watcher.

Nice. More power to Mark for keeping the posts coming and the pressure
on despite the legal "shot across the bow" lately.

Whether rational folks eventually reclaim the mainstream representation
of this hobby or not is unclear in the face of the financial forces and
years of madness... But it's worth a shot and can be plenty fun trying!

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
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