For a couple of months, my Transporter would spuriously reboot itself as if it had lost power completely - relays clicking, logo scrolling, etc.
Not finding anything directly relevant through Google searches other than a vague reference to the DC power supply being a cheap Chinese switcher, I opened the cover and measured the PSU output - 5.1 V unloaded, exactly what one might expect. However, plug in the front panel, and the voltage dropped to 4.6 and wandered around between there and 4.8-4.9 - the DC power supply was obviously hosed. Searching around some more, I found a UK company that sells a rebranded version of the exact same board from Unifive. I'll post a link in a follow-on message (since this is my first post to this forum, I can't post it here) Confident in the fix, I ordered two ($8 each, but $31 shipping from the UK to US). A few days later, the new supplies arrived at my door. Put one in and checked voltage - 5.1V unloaded and 5.1V with the front panel plugged in. The Transporter is back in the rack and I'm hoping to not hear the dreaded clicking of a reboot. Hopefully this will help someone with a similar problem or a completely dead front panel - check the DC supply between the front panel and the main board in the back, but be careful. The back connector is 110VAC when plugged in. The front connector is 4 pins but only the outer two are used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkbrucetx's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ audiophiles mailing list