ralphpnj wrote: 
> Gary, thank you for responding to my tedious questions. I really don't
> want to derail this thread by turning it into a thread about Roon
> but.........
> I do have a few more questions and comments.
> Regarding the "secondary" background scan: 1) is the replaygain
> defeatable since I don't use it nor do I intend to use it any time soon.
> 2) Is it during this background scan when Roon locates and builds the
> database with all the album/song information and generates the various
> links?
> As for the database size, I would guess that the final Roon database
> would end up being 3 to 4 times the size of the LMS database.
> And finally, can Roon be used/controlled from other devices (computers,
> tablets, smartphones, etc.) within the local network and will Roon
> provide the same information and links as when accessed from the
> computer that Roon is actually running on?
> Again I apologize for hijacking this thread and asking all these
> questions. Perhaps a little background information about my setup would
> help to explain my concerns. I have a Windows 10 computer that I use as
> the LMS server. This computer along with the external hard drives that
> contain all my music files is used only as an LMS server. On all my
> other computers and devices I use various programs (Moose, Muso, iPeng,
> Orange Squeeze, etc.) to access LMS and control the Squeezebox players
> in my home. So if Roon's fancy database can only be accessed from the
> same computer that Roon is running on then it would be a non-starter for
> me. In addition I have a much larger music library and I am concerned
> about Roon's ability handle a library of this size.

No problem. I had all those same questions.

1. secondary background scan.  The detailed info, connections, data etc.
is in the first (shorter) scan. The second scan is mostly the RG (R128)
scan. The RG use can be turned off. It now works just like LMS (based on
my suggestion to Roon it seems).  That is, one can have RG (volume
normalize is what roon calls it) turned OFF, turned to use TRACK, turned
to use ALBUM, or turned to use AUTO (if adjacent tracks are from same
album it uses ALBUM values, if from different albums it uses TRACK
values. This is what SMART GAIN in LMS does.  (also, one has the option
to tell Roon to use the RG tag info instead of the info created by the
Roon scan)

2. Yes, Roon can be controlled from almost anything else on the same
network. The core runs on a computer (windows, mac, linux).  The control
of Roon can be from that same computer or a different computer on the
same network, or an ipad, iphone, android, etc.   I control Roon running
on a headless linux server from my windows laptop or my ipad.

3. Based on reports on the Roon forums, there are a number of people
with 500,000+ libraries that use Roon happily. 

4. You didn't ask, but Roon works well with perfect sync between
different endpoints or can play different things to different endpoints.
There are "roon ready" endpoints (purchased or simply a DIY pi
microcomputer, etc.). And Roon software can turn Squeezeboxes and SONOS
into Roon Endpoints as well. 

Roon just released 1.3, a major revision. It works well. It is early in
its life and on its forum, it is more like the old days of slimdevices.
Lots of interaction with the developers and founders of the company.  
One major difference:  roon is not free after trial.

And just to be clear, I'm not a roon fanboy pushing it on the
slimdevices forum. I still mostly use my LMS and squeezeboxes. Roon is
very nice and works well. But for my day to day use, I (and my wife) use
lots of podcast listening and internet radio listening. Roon is way
behind on this. It recently added internet radio (in a sorta clunky
way....manually add URLs) and doesn't deal with things like podcast
apps, etc.  In fact, the only services it can access are TIDAL (which
have a deep metadata integration with Roon). But for music collection
listening it really is nice.

*Home:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Transporter, Touch, Boom, Radio
(all ethernet)
*Cottage:* VBA 3TB (2.3) > LMS 7.9 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win8(64) > LMS 7.9 > Squeezelite
*Spares:* Transporter, Touch(3), Radio(3), Boom, SB3, CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone6 & iPadAir2 (iPeng & Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win8(64) laptop
*Files:* ripping: dbpoweramp > FLAC; post-rip: mp3tag, PerfectTunes;
Streaming: Spotify
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