Archimago wrote: 
> Hmmmm. As others say, this is really not possible.
> I fear to ask just how noisy your DAC is! Over the years of
> measurements, I have never seen noise all that significant over a USB
> interface unless something went wrong like picking up ground loop hum
> and stuff like that. If anything, they tend to measure better than other
> digital interfaces.
> Just have a look at the Oppo BDP-105 results I put up recently comparing
> USB, HDMI, Coaxial, TosLink:
> ''
> (
> If you do find some evidence for what I believe is one of many myths in
> the audiophile world, I'd love to see it!

ralphpnj wrote: 
> What you chose to call a "myth" I chose to call a very carefully planned
> and targeted marketing campaign. Once one removes the real myth that
> states that the high end audio magazines produce editorial content that
> free of influence from the advertisers then one will begin to see just
> how these "myths" (aka marketing campaigns) work. It's really rather
> simple: manufacturer (aka advertiser) produces an item that does
> absolutely nothing and yet the item receives rave reviews in all the
> high end audio magazines. And so a myth is born.
> Archimago I know full well that you despise this behavior but I can't
> but feeling that your very polite responses to these myths is like
> bringing a knife to a gun fight. The behavior of almost the entire high
> end industry, from manufactures to reviewers to salespeople, is
> despicable and needs to be treated not with respect but with scorn.

Mnyb wrote: 
> I think archimago does it even better :) he have carefully measured and
> presented real evidence on his site.
> That works really well with the part of the pupolation that have not yet
> got "audiophilia" .
> The calm matter of fact manner helps convince the much bigger audience
> that not yet afflicted.
> The true believers are in most cases lost , they die off slowly ( the
> prices in high end indicates that this is a factor ).
> The more effective work is convincing people to not join the cult in the
> first place .
> A fun an educational site does this work more effectively than something
> else .
> The alarmist tone and manner ( used in populist politics ) would make
> him look like yet another cuckoo with alternative facts :)

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I fully understand why you, Archimago and many others believe that the
> calm, polite and evidenced based approach is the proper one since reason
> does indicate that this approach SHOULD work much more effectively than
> my much more hostile approach. However the facts prove otherwise, in
> other words, the calm, polite and evidenced based approach does not
> work. Just ask President Trump which approach works better :)

Hey Mnyb and Ralph!
Lovely chatting with you guys again as usual :-). I thought it would be
good to start a new thread discussing this rather than clutter up the
"Intona USB Thing" comments. Because of the length of this, I'm going to
split into 3 posts!

Yeah, what can you say about the state of the world these days, eh?
Trump (100 days are up) is truly the hysterical gift that just keeps
giving; him and his cadre. "Sad" - indeed.

I don't think that bringing objectivity into a "gun fight" is like
taking out a knife. It's way more powerful - depending on situation it
will either blow a hole like a bazooka or perhaps the shut-down power of
an EMP blast. The bluster of guys who just talk out of undisciplined
"experience" and nothing but hot air based on their own (religious-like)
testimonies have been a subject that I've focused on over the years on
the blog. IMO, they are not that hard to quiet down. Even though their
underlying opinions might not change, eventually what ends up happening
is that they have no further arguments to refute the evidence and walks
away or ignore posts. I think that Mnyb is right that perhaps the "true
believers" might never change but those are not the folks I necessarily
want to "convert" (though I believe from E-mails and PM's over the years
that many are converting!). 

I wanted to systematically provide something -substantial -on-line as a
resource for those "more objective" folks who wanted something to point
to when they get into these "unholy wars". I hope we can stand on a
higher plane of argument and challenge not with words, but rather say to
the subjectivist:
"-Hey man, I can just as easily testify that something makes or doesn't
make a difference *and *I can show you why this jives with reality -
check my experiments out... If you got better evidence, show me!-"

IMO, usually this diffuses the tension and there's not much to say after
that. I hope that newcomers to the hobby can see this tendency time
after time! What the way of the world in the political sphere is is
irrelevant I think to what we can do within our little community. The
audiophile hobby is small and I think it doesn't take that much to
change views over time.

We must not underestimate the power of the Internet these days. I look
at the work and views of folks like Peter Aczel and wonder if he were
publishing "The Audio Critic" openly on-line, whether it would have had
a much more powerful effect on audiophilia. With the Internet, we no
longer have to come up short-handed competing with the likes of
Industry-sponsored stuff. (I know the number of hits I get on my blog
posts... I have a strong suspicion that the "silent majority" are hungry
for -facts -rather than just opinion.)

Over the years, I have tried to follow a systematic approach. My belief
is that if more audiophile hobbyists become -educated -about how the
technology works, this "kernel" of knowledge will defend against an
automatic acceptance of nonsense. The audiophile press has done a
wonderful job of distorting truths, exaggerating significance, and not
associating objective evidence as "reality", rather accepting the
subjectivist claims as somehow being more valuable or generalizable
which is of course nonsense. When the hobby loses its ties to science
and engineering whence it arose, anything becomes possible, including
descent into claims based on madness.

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