terryd wrote: 
> Having overloaded on reading up and trying to work out the answer, could
> one of you knowledgeable chaps (and chappeses) point me in the right
> direction for the final decisions that I need to make please.
> I have the music stored on a NAS which is no problem, I feed the
> Transporter via the ethernet network, again no problem as far as I can
> tell and the Transporter appears to be doing a great job. I have been
> using LMS for years, but I am currently trialling Roon.
> So the Transporter DAC has done its job, and my question is: do I feed
> my Yamaha amp with a digital feed from the Transporter and use STRAIGHT
> (through) mode on the Amp, or do I use the analogue feed from the
> Transporter and also select STRAIGHT mode?
> I am guessing that the first option has to have some digital to analogue
> conversion which will affect what the Transporter has already done(?)
> and therefore feeding the amp with analogue signal will be best? Or do I
> set up both on different inputs?
> The Yamaha Amp is the RX-A3060.
> Thanks in advance - Terry

First off, I don't claim to be "audiophile" so take my post with grain
of salt...

Your Yamaha appears to have significant DSP capabilities - it's billed
as a "9.1" system.  How do you plan to use this for "normal" stereo
listening?  Do you make use of a subwoofer?  Are your "main" Left and
Right speakers capable of full-range performance?  Why I ask this is
that, I believe, if you use ANY of the x.1 (or x.2?) modes (including
2.1, which means the AV receiver performs the crossover to create the L,
R and SUB signals), then the AV receiver is in fact performing DSP - so
if the input is analog (i.e., from the Transporter's DAC), then it will
re-digitize, process, and then run through its own DAC's to create the
final analog outputs.  
I believe if you operate the AV Receiver in "straight" mode, you will
only get L + R outputs.  For this reason, you may be better served
providing a digital input to your AV amplifier (which means, however,
you're not taking advantage of the Transporter's own DACs).

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